Manage Error Reporting
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    Manage Error Reporting

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    Article Summary


    Error reporting allows you to post a message to a webhook if an error occurs in a component or job, resulting in a failure of a job run.

    Error reporting can be enabled for either the project group instance, or on a per project basis. If reporting is enabled for the project group, reporting is automatically enabled for all projects in that group.

    To navigate to the Manage Error Reporting dialog, click Project and then click Manage Error Reporting.

    The table below explains each property of the Manage Error Reporting dialog.


    EnabledCheckbox/TickboxCheck the box to enable the error reporting of manual job runs, scheduled job runs, or both.
    Webhook URLURL stringThe URL for the webhook to which error messages will be posted.
    Maximum Per IntervalStringSetting a maximum interval enables the user to limit the rate at which errors are sent to the webhook. The default value, 0, allows you to send errors without limit.
    The rolling count is also reset when you press OK. The limit is applied per-job, rather than per-project.
    The interval is specified using the ISO8601 format for intervals. For example:
    • PT0S (zero seconds) will disable the rate limiting.
    • PT0.5S will allow errors to be posted every half second.
    • PT3M will allow errors to be posted every three minutes.
    • PT1H will allow errors to be posted every hour
    • Combinations of the above are acceptable: PT2H17M1S is acceptable.
    IntervalSelectSelect the interval. Available intervals include Minute, Hour, and Day.
    The default setting is Minute.
    Payload TemplateSelectSelect a webhook payload template from the drop-down list.
    PayloadPayload BodyThe body of the payload.

    Click Test to confirm that your error reporting setup is working as expected. Finally, click OK to close the dialog.